Other Educational Resources

ONCOassist now available for free!

ONCOassist is a CE-approved smartphone app designed by the professional cancer community for the professional cancer community.

We are happy to inform you that we are able to offer this app FREE to all EONS members. It will offer you easy access to all the tools and information you need on a daily basis to help you with your clinical practice.

Tools include BSA, steroid and opiate equivalency converters, common toxicity criteria for adverse events, AJCC staging content, prognostic scores and much more. It is the only app available that has the required European regulatory approval to be used in a hospital setting.

For more information on ONCOassist, please go to: http://oncoassist.com/.

Click on the below links on your iPhone/iPad or Android Phone/Tablet or search for “ONCOassist” in the AppStore.

Download for iPhone/iPad:
+  https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/oncoassist/id558299114?ls=1&mt=8

Download for Android Phone/Tablet:
+  https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.oncoassist.core&hl=en

Once downloaded, please follow the steps below to enable your FREE access:

  1. Choose “Sign up as an EONS member”
  2. Put in the requested details
  3. Input the code ‘eons4u’.

If there are any problems in accessing ONCOassist, you can ask for assistance at feedback@oncoassist.com

We hope this app will be a tremendous help to you in your daily practice.

New ONCOassist favourites feature

Now you can add the tools you use most frequently to your favourites section. This will make them easy to retrieve when you need them most.

You can ‘add to favourites’ by simply:

  1. Navigating to those tools you use most frequently and tapping on the star option on the top corner of the page. This will send this tool to your favourites section.
    The add a favourite icon in the ONCOassist app
  2. You can then retrieve favourites by tapping on the favourites icon at the bottom of the app.
    The retrieve favourites icon in the ONCOassist app

As a next step, download the latest version of ONCOassist, look through our content and add those tools you use most frequently to your favourites.

In the coming months, ONCOassist will be adding more features, this will include:

  • An oncology drug formulary.
  • A toxicity management section.

Life, Hope and Reality

Life, Hope and Reality provides useful assessment tools to help patients to make health and treatment decisions which are right for them and ensure they receive quality end of life care. It provides information about the needs that people with advanced cancer may be experiencing and key strategies to help in managing these. It was developed by an Australian team.

+  http://www.caresearch.com.au/caresearch/tabid/1787/default.aspx

Teenage/young adult cancer care education opportunities at Coventry University

New education opportunity in teenage cancer care. Would you like to study for a certificate using a flexible online approach? The following may be of interest to EONS Members. The UK Charity, The Teenage Cancer Trust, is sponsoring some places for UK nurses.

+  http://www.coventry.ac.uk/study-at-coventry/faculties-and-schools/health-and-life-sciences/nursing-midwifery-and-health/teenager-young-adults-cancer-care/

Palliative Care Education Programme

This education programme is designed for nurses working with patients who are dying and is an excellent learning tool for European cancer nurses.

+  https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/palliative

Introducing a new video resource on Cancer Nursing and managing cancer care during COVID-19.


Managing the needs of cancer patients during COVID-19:
A practical guide for cancer nurses

Clinical spotlight:

  • Which patients are at high-risk of infection, and what are the recommendations for the care of patients during the COVID-19 pandemic?
  • What are the common fears and uncertainties surrounding the pandemic, and how do they affect the care of patients with cancer?
  • What can we do to practically and safely support patients with cancer and their families during the pandemic?

Join Dr. Andreas Charalambous (EONS President), Johan de Munter (EONS President-Elect) and Eugenia Trigoso Arjona (EONS Education Working Group member) to find out the answers.

Watch here: https://bit.ly/2DdCAox

eCancer online learning resources

ecancer is a UK-based charity that aims to raise the standards of care for cancer patients across the world through free education. To find out more about them please click here.

eCancer offers a range of very useful, free learning resources which are relevant to cancer nurses. Among them is one e-learning module on neutropenia and two on Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw (MRONJ) for all healthcare professionals, including dental practitioners and nurse practitioners – a short module on the Fundamentalsof MRONJ and a Complete Guide on the Management of MRONJ